My understanding of Fatherhood came not only from education but also from real life experience of growing up without a Dad. My background and career put me in the path of fatherless kids it seemed like daily. While working as a School Resource Officer I became more aligned with the students as I participated in various after school activities.
By being involved with countless students in different settings, I learned that many kids had very little to no Father influence. Those experiences, along with growing up without a Dad after age eleven and being a young divorced Dad, seem to be the catalyst in starting Dads 4 Life. I now encourage, interact, and work with Dads on many issues… through our many resources like podcasting/broadcast, books, social media and speaking platforms.
Being a Dad Coach, if I may be able to serve you as a Dad going through a divorce or having been divorced you reach out today and let’s connect soon.
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” Proverbs 27:17
It would be my honor and pleasure to help you in helping you become a Dad 4 Life!
1 hr